David Hicks, Ph.D.
Dr. Hicks specializes in History and Social Science Education. His research interests include examining the nature and purpose of the teaching of history in a standards based setting; the integration of multi-media and digital technologies to support the teaching and learning of history and social science; citizenship education; and disability studies and parental advocacy. Dr. Hicks has also served as co-editor of the social studies current issues section of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) online journal, Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education and was Chair and on the executive board of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council of the Social Studies. Dr. Hicks has received numerous awards and honors in recognition of his exemplary professional contributions, including, most recently, the College of Liberal Arts and Human Science Land Grant Scholar Award with his colleague Tom Ewing. Dr. Hicks earned a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from Virginia Tech and an M.A. in history from the State University of New York College. He received his B.A. in social history from Lancaster University in the United Kingdom.