John Lee, Ph.D.
John Lee, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Social Studies and Middle Grades Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at North Carolina State University. His scholarly work focuses on the uses of digital historical resources in teaching and learning and efforts to theorize and develop tools related to new literacies. Currently, he is researching the best design practices for online collections of historical resources targeted for K-12 classrooms. He is co-director of the New Literacies Collaborative (newlit.org), and he develops innovative digital historical resources through the Digital History and Pedagogy Project (dhpp.org). Dr. Lee is the author of the book Visualizing Elementary Social Studies Methods and co-author of Research on Technology in Social Studies and Guiding Learning with Technology. He is a consultant for the Social Studies Assessment, Curriculum and Assessment Collaborative (SSACI) of the Chief Council of State School Officers (CCSSO) and an author of the forthcoming College, Career, and Civic Life: Framework for State Standards in Social Studies. Dr. Lee is also currently the co-Chair of the Teacher Education Council of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. He is involved in educational standards development, and is a member of the writing team for the College, Career, and Civic Life: Framework for Social Studies State Standards. In the past, Dr. Lee served as both an Associate and an Assistant Professor at Georgia State University in the College of Education, and he taught middle and high school social studies for nine years. He was the co-editor of the Social Studies section of Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, and was the Chair of the Executive Board for the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies. Dr. Lee earned his Ph.D. in social studies education from the University of Virginia, his Ed.S. and his M.Ed. from Georgia State University and his B.A. in history from the University of Georgia.