Robin Hall, D.A.H.
Dr. Hall keeps members informed about research on systems and successful strategies for improving student achievement. She also provides support for development and dissemination of information and tools to implement the Common Core State Standards. Previously, Dr. Hall served in various capacities for Atlanta Public Schools, including Executive Director of K-8 schools, Principal, K-12 Language Arts Coordinator, Instructional Liaison Specialist, Language Arts Department Chairperson and high school language arts teacher constituting over twenty-five years of educational experience. Dr. Hall has also served on the Council of Great City Schools support teams in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and professional development.
In 2006, Dr. Hall was nominated to the National Assessment Governing Board by Secretary Margaret Spellings. Among the board responsibilities are selecting the content of the NAEP test, selecting the subjects to be tested, identifying learning objectives for each grade tested, identifying appropriate achievement goals and ensuring that all items selected for use in the assessment are free from racial, cultural, gender and regional biases. Dr. Hall earned her D.A.H. and M.A. from Clark Atlanta University and her B.A. in English from Vassar College.