Kathy Swan, PhD
Kathy Swan, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Social Studies Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Swan also serves as the Project Director and Lead Writer of the C3 Framework Leadership Team and as an advisor for the Social Studies Assessment, Curriculum and Assessment Collaborative (SSACI) for the Chief Council of State School Officers (CCSSO). A former social studies teacher, Dr. Swan researches ways of effectively integrating technology into the K-12 social studies classroom. A recipient of the National Technology Leadership Award in Social Studies Education, co-sponsored by the College and University Faculty Assembly (CUFA) and the Society of Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), in 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009, she was recognized as one of the University of Kentucky's Teachers Who Have Made A Difference for three straight years. Her research has appeared in the International Journal of Social Education, Social Education and The Social Studies and Journal of Research on Technology in Education, and she is the co-creator of the Historical Scene Investigation Project, the Digital Directors Guild, Digital Docs in a Box and Econocast. Dr. Swan is also the co-editor of the Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education -- Social Studies and has served as a consultant on several Teaching American History grants. Dr. Swan earned her Ph.D. in social studies education from the University of Virginia, her M.A. in teaching from Johns Hopkins University and her B.S. from Mount St. Mary’s College, and she spent seven years as a social studies teacher in the U.S. and in South Korea.